Right Place, Right Time

myHealthTrack's low-cost, highly-effective MSK solution mitigates the financial risks caused by underutilization and overutilization of traditional MSK care, specifically in-person physical therapy, through timely patient intervention by health plans, providers, or both.

For Health Plans

myHealthTrack delivers significant value to health plans by addressing the high volume of non-operative, low-acuity orthopedic cases while also providing pre- and post-operative support:

Optimize Specialist Referrals

85% of orthopedic specialist visits are non-operative and low acuity. myHealthTrack can intervene early, screening patients' acuity levels and initiating a tailored 6- to 24-week recovery plan.

Reduce Unnecessary Costs

Specialist visits and imaging are expensive. With myHealthTrack, health plans can reduce these unnecessary expenditures while delivering effective, convenient care.

Proven Results

Of over 30,000 patients, 67% of non-operative users replaced in-person therapy with myHealthTrack, and 75% of them achieved successful outcomes without needing additional treatment or therapy.

Comprehensive Surgical Support

myHealthTrack also serves surgical patients, both pre- and post-operatively, delivering significant savings by reducing overutilization of physical therapy while ensuring excellent recovery outcomes.

Enhance Member Satisfaction

Members experience elite-level care, fostering better engagement and adherence to treatment plans.

For Providers/Health Systems

myHealthTrack empowers providers and health systems to thrive in risk-based arrangements - delivering exceptional care at a lower price point:

Alternative to Costly Evaluations

For patients who don't truly need a physical therapist or specialist, myHealthTrack offers PCPs tools to evaluate and refer patients to a low-cost, high-impact solution.

Elevate Patient Experience

Patients love the concierge-style guidance from myHealthTrack, complete with their provider's photo in the app, creating a personalized and engaging experience.

Improve Outcomes

While patients stay engaged with myHealthTrack, their therapy program adherence improves outcomes at a lower cost, aligning perfectly with alternative payment models, value-based care, and capitation models.

Enhance Provider Reputation

By offering innovative, effective care options, providers strengthen patient trust and loyalty.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo today.

Data from over 30,000 patients and counting...

of non-operative myHealthTrack patients use the program exclusively and attend 0 sessions of in-person PT
of myHealthTrack users are satisfied with their recovery after program completion and don't seek further treatment or therapy
of all myHealthTrack patients stated the program helped them stay more compliant with their care plan